A performance horse is any horse that is asked to engage in regular exercise. This may be frequent trail rides, riding lessons, ranch work, driving, racing, or any number of competitive disciplines. The demands of performance put stresses on a horse's body above and beyond those normally encountered by idle horses.
When managing the performance horse, ask yourself, have you provided and does your horse need:
- Digestive tract support?
- Electrolyte replacement?
- Protection from oxidative damage?
- Support for joint health?
- Support for bone health?
- Support for optimal hoof and coat health?
Which solutions are right for your horse?
EO-3™ Omega-3 supplement. EO-3 is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, compounds found to optimize the well-being of all horses, regardless of age or use. Specifically DHA and EPA supplementation has been shown to mediate inflammation as well as reduce osteoarthritis. Choose EO-3 to promote a more natural balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in the body and to support the benefits this balance of fatty acids can confer on joint health.
EquiShure® Time-released hindgut buffer. Developed to combat hindgut acidosis, this innovative, one-of-a-kind delivery system allows for the buffering of the hindgut, the site of fermentation in the horse. Choose EquiShure to reduce the risk of hindgut acidosis escalating to laminitis in horses receiving significant intakes of starch laden grains as well as those grazing high-fructan pastures, including those at risk for or with a history of laminitis.
KER-Flex® Oral joint supplement. KER-Flex contains a synergistic blend of glucosamine HCl and chondroitin sulfate to provide broad-spectrum support of joint health in a palatable powder. Choose KER-Flex when support of healthy joint cartilage for performance longevity is the primary goal.
Nano-E® Nanodispersed, liquid natural-source vitamin E supplement. Nano-E provides highly bioavailable natural (d-α-tocopherol), water soluble source of vitamin E to horses through a unique delivery system. Recommended for horses that spend a significant portion of their time in stalls or otherwise confined, performance horses, horses whose forage intake is largely from hay rather than pasture, those with neurological problems, those experiencing stress, and convalescent horses.
Nano-Q10™ Antioxidant for horses in training. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that improves aerobic energy generation while protecting against exercise-induced muscle damage. Nano-Q10™ is a rapidly absorbed source of coenzyme Q10 that is three times more bioavailable than the powdered crystalline form.
Restore® SR Sustained-release electrolyte powder. Restore SR contains the latest technology in electrolyte therapy, including a proprietary slow-release mechanism that allows sodium to be released gradually into the gastrointestinal tract for sustained absorption. Choose Restore SR for daily replacement of electrolytes lost in sweat.