Feed the Research — fertility


Posted by Eileen Phethean on

The problem: For decades, the inclusion of fat in horse diets has been a useful way to increase the caloric density of a ration. Popular fats include vegetable oils such as corn oil, canola oil, and sunflower oil. Whether it was top-dressed or fed as an ingredient in a premixed concentrate, feeding fat seemed to be a win-win situation; horses digest fat well and by eating fat-rich concentrates, they can consume smaller grain meals, which creates a more stable gastrointestinal tract and reduces colic risk. Researchers now know that certain fats should be fed for optimal health. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty...

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Posted by Eileen Phethean on

The problem: Horses in some management systems do not have access to green forages, which means many do not consume sufficient vitamin E for optimal health. Vitamin E, one of the fat-soluble vitamins, functions as an antioxidant by inserting itself into the cell membrane and neutralizing free radicals, which can weaken cells and tissue. Research has proven, though, that not all vitamin E is created equally, with notable differences between natural and synthetic vitamin E. The most important dissimilarity involves the bioavailability. Natural-source vitamin E is much more bioavailable than synthetic, and therefore is the preferred form. The solution: Provision of a...

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