Total Wellness

  • from $159.95

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Formulated to promote the overall health and soundness of all classes of horses.

What is Total Wellness?

Over 30 years, Kentucky Equine Research has completed thousands of equine ration evaluations and provided advice to horse owners worldwide on how to best nourish their horses, reduce health problems from modern management practices, and address specific problems.  

Based on this experience, the experts at Kentucky Equine Research developed this combination to provide targeted nutritional support for the most commonly identified challenges.

  • Increase forage and nutrient digestibility
  • Promote joint health
  • Protect cells from oxidative damage
  • Support optimal hoof, skin, and coat quality

Previously only available as part of the KER Wellness Program after completion of a ration evaluation, Total Wellness is now available to anyone seeking to support their horses' overall health while maintaining a more simplified feeding program that avoids use of numerous separate products.


Dressage rider Ashley Moore

“Total Wellness has simplified feeding time at our big, busy barn. We know all of our horses’ needs are covered by one high-quality product, and really appreciate having so much extra space in the feed room!”

-Ashley Moore


  • Cost of separate supplements (hoof, coat, joint, antioxidant support) is $3.50 or more per day.
  • Total Wellness offers a more cost-effective option for as little as $2.17 per day.

Guaranteed analysis per 60 g

Triad™ fermentation blend

15 g

Natural-source vitamin E

1000 IU


5000 mg

Chondroitin sulfate

1000 mg


1000 mg


5 mg

 Feeding Directions:

Top-dress 60 g per day on horse’s grain ration or 30 g per day for ponies. For best results, split into two feedings. (Enclosed scoop holds 30 g)

Trainers and managers should adhere to the regulations set forth by specific racing jurisdictions prior to using any feed additives or supplements. HISA Compliance

How often should you reorder?

Product Size Number of Horses Reorder Interval
4 kg 1 9 weeks
2 4 weeks
10 kg 3 7 weeks
4 5 weeks
5 4 weeks

Increase Forage and Nutrient Digestibility

Horses on low-grain rations obtain the majority of the calories and nutrients in their diets from forage. Therefore, every effort should be made to maximize forage digestibility.

Kentucky Equine Research studied different sources of yeast and yeast cultures to determine their effects on nutrient digestibility. Results of the study showed that each source improved the digestibility of certain nutrients in the diet (Table 1). One source improved protein, starch and copper digestibility, while another had the greatest effect on macromineral (calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium) digestibility. A third source improved the digestibility of the fiber fractions of the rations as well as the digestibility of the trace minerals zinc and manganese. Therefore, the three sources were combined to create a synergistic blend of yeast and yeast metabolites designed to boost the availability of nutrients in the horse's ration.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Dry Matter

Starch & sugar

Mn, Zn

Table 1. Greatest improvement in digestibility as compared to controls.

Triad™ fermentation blend, included in Total Wellness, positively affects the microbial population of the horse's hindgut to increase digestibility of nutrients in the ration and decrease digestive disturbances.

Promote Joint Health

Total Wellness is enhanced with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate play key roles in the synthesis of synovial fluid and the major components of the articular cartilage matrix. Laboratory studies have illustrated the effectiveness of chondroitin sulfate in inhibiting the enzymes associated with inflammation and tissue destruction. MSM, a derivative of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), is a bioavailable source of sulfur and is important in relieving pain and inflammation. All three of these compounds have been provided at optimal levels to support normal joint health.

Protect Cells from Oxidative Damage

Vitamin E functions as a biological antioxidant, preventing the oxidation of unsaturated lipid materials within cellular and subcellular membranes by neutralizing production of free radicals. It is a critically important nutrient for all horses but is especially important for exercise, reproduction, and for horses at risk of certain neurological diseases. Horses with limited access to fresh green forage have a greater need for supplemental vitamin E since the nutrient quickly becomes depleted in stored forages.

Figure 1. Comparison of synthetic vitamin E versus the natural-source vitamin E in Equine Ester 100 as measured in the plasma of eight Thoroughbred horses.

Vitamin E can be obtained from natural or synthetic sources but the chemical structure and bioavailability of each is different. Research conducted at Kentucky Equine Research has shown the natural form of the vitamin to be 56% more bioavailable compared to the synthetic source. The vitamin E found in Total Wellness is a natural source called KER Equine Ester 100™.

Support Optimal Hoof, Skin, and Coat Quality

Total Wellness contains added biotin, a water-soluble B vitamin essential for the maintenance of connective tissue found in skin, hooves, and hair. Ground flax has also been included to provide a source of essential fatty acids, which play a key role in maintaining a healthy hair coat as well as supporting other important systems in the body.



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