Determining why a horse has decreased appetite or inappetence can be difficult, especially if it is the only clinical sign the horse is showing. Ponies, donkeys, and Miniature Horses can quickly develop hyperlipemia (elevated triglycerides in the blood) when they have decreased appetite, and it can become a life-threatening condition. Your veterinarian is an excellent source of advice because a thorough physical examination, blood work, and other diagnostic tests are often needed when faced with inappetence. Some common causes of decreased feed intake are described below.
Gastric ulcers. These are often present and not always the cause of apparent illness. A recent study revealed that over 58% of horses across various disciplines had gastric ulcers based on gastroscopy. Some horses that are ill for other reasons or stressed will eat better when treated with drugs that reduce stomach acid, even though they do not actually have ulcers.
Hindgut acidosis. Increased feeding of starch can overwhelm the digestive ability of the small intestine. When these sugars reach the large intestine, fermentation occurs and lactic acid is produced. Lactic acid irritates the lining of the large intestine and creates a less favorable environment for the normal microflora that ferment forages. Clinical signs of hindgut acidosis can include inappetence, colic, weight loss, loose manure, irritability, and an increased chance of stable vices (cribbing, wood-chewing, or stall-walking).
Fever. A horse has a fever when its rectal temperature is greater than 101.5° F or 38.6° C. Many horses that are febrile will go off their feed and will often begin eating once again when treated with drugs to reduce fever. It is very important to determine the cause of fever.
Dental or oral disease. Dental problems are more common in older horses that may have sharp points that hurt the tongue or cheeks. Young horses can have retained caps (deciduous premolars) or incisor teeth that cause pain. Feeding rough forage or hay that contains thorny weeds can cause oral ulceration. This is a frequent cause of oral ulcers when there has been a recent change in hay source. Foreign bodies embedded in a horse's tongue, such as a piece of wire, can be difficult to diagnose without radiographs.
Metronidazole. This commonly prescribed antibiotic has a bitter taste. Some horses treated with metronidazole, even when it has been flavored, will stop eating. Discontinuing metronidazole administration usually restores the horse's appetite. It is always recommended to flavor any oral antibiotic or other drugs with molasses or gelatin powder to encourage horses to stay on feed.
Other illness. Some horses are very good at disguising sickness. Respiratory infections, such as pleuropneumonia (fluid in the chest) or viral pneumonia, are the most common cause of fever. Horses with impactions of the large colon may not appear overly colicky and often do not have severe, continuous pain.
Overcoming inappetence
The first step in overcoming inappetence is identifying and rectifying the source of the inappetence. Often, while this is being done, support of normal digestive tract function is advised as fasting itself can contribute to digestive discomfort and ulcer formation.
Which solution is right for your horse?
EquiShure® Time-released hindgut buffer. Developed to combat hindgut acidosis, this innovative, one-of-a-kind delivery system allows for the buffering of the hindgut, the site of fermentation in the horse. Appropriate for horses displaying certain signs such as reduced appetite, chronic mild to moderate colic of unexplained origin, poor feed efficiency, stereotypical behaviors, and loose manure. Recommended for horses receiving large grain meals as well as those grazing high-fructan pastures, especially those with a history of laminitis.
RiteTrac™ Total digestive tract support. A proprietary blend of ingredients designed to support total digestive tract health. Targeted at both the foregut and hindgut of the horse, RiteTrac works in two distinct ways. First, with its combination of fast-acting antacids and coating agents, RiteTrac quickly neutralizes excessive gastric acid, protecting the stomach lining and restoring the normal gastric environment. Second, RiteTrac contains EquiShure, a time-released hindgut buffer designed to act on the cecum and colon by minimizing the effects of subclinical hindgut acidosis.
Triacton™ Bone and digestive health support. Triacton is a triple-action supplement designed to improve bone density and support digestive health in horses. The pelleted supplement contains an array of highly bioavailable minerals and vitamins essential for sound skeletal development and maintenance, as well as optimal function of the gastrointestinal tract.